My blogging hiatus explained
I haven’t written a blog post for a while, but it isn’t because I’m not writing.
Late last year my mind turned to what I’d do in 2017 to challenge myself. I’d been toying with the idea of writing a book for a while, some kind of biz fic horror appealed. Something like “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with Lean/Agile”.
You know the kind of thing I’m talking about… “You’ve made it through the sewers with minimal damage, do you: 1. Run the Daily Survivor Standup (turn to page 23), 2. Have a Weekly Kills Review (turn to page 10), 3. Run a Headshot Retrospective (turn to page 52)”.
I’d even discussed a few ideas with another coach who is a much better writer than me, thinking I could piggy back my path to authoring glory.
Shortly after Christmas, out of the blue, I got approached by a publisher. They discussed a few potential ideas with me. We negotiated over a title, an outline and drew up a schedule. Suffice to say it isn’t biz fic or about zombies.
And here I am, reminded of that time that Eddie Izzard chose to run 43 marathons in 51 days to raise money for Sports Relief. Not that my cause is anywhere near so noble.
Every day is a writing day, and I feel like every chapter is a literary marathon. Each day begins with sore-ish wrists, slightly bad posture and red eyes that have had too much screen time; painful reminders of the chapter that I finished only the other day.
The first chapter was the hardest, I wrote way too much. Each subsequent chapter is getting easier. I’ve also developed a pretty good set of icons for illustrating. And I’m actually starting to really enjoy it.
The finish line comes in January after making it ready to publish.
Watch this space and see you on the other side.